How to prepare for the CET-
4? Highlight the score
first: Level 4 659, writing 204. The
composition is the easiest to raise the score.
Remember a golden rule: CET-4 and CET-6 compositions can be split into 18 sentences. Routine sentences are divided into three steps: the beginning, the main body and the end. The composition of CET-
4 and CET-6 has a universal set of sentences. As
a non-English major, it took me less than a week to prepare for the composition by studying the composition set sentences and the test skills of Diu Diu. I succeeded in passing CET-4 with a high score at one time, which made my composition 200 successfully. I would like to
introduce myself briefly. I am a non-English major in 985 University. Later, I went to graduate school and stayed in an all-English environment for two years. I
‘m good at studying all kinds of exam routines. Next time, I’ll have a chance to share the routines of “How to get 90 + in the final exam of college” and “How to get a high score if you don’t understand math and calculus in class”. When I was
in school, I passed the CET-4, CET-6 and TOEFL only once with high scores. The best part of the test was reading and writing: 214 points in CET-4 reading and 204 points in writing; 30 points in TOEFL reading and 28 points in writing.
If you ask me, “Why do you always get so high in writing?”?
Senior sister, I want to tell you that this is all because of the existence of “omnipotent sentences.”.
Today, I’m going to share the unique secrets of English writing, and I’m sure I’ll get a lot after reading it, and there will be a dry egg at the end. Get
in the car! Now is really the most important time to cram for CET-4 and CET-6.
1, can not remember the universal set of sentences, not good universal set of sentences, first of all, can not remember the universal set of sentences, are playing hooligans. I forgot everything when I was nervous about the
Now it is better to recite 20 sentences that can be remembered and used skillfully than to recite 200 sentences that can be forgotten at a glance.
You may not think that you really only need to complete at most 18 sentences to complete a CET-4 and CET-6 composition.
Don’t believe?
Let me give you an analysis: write at least 120 words in the composition of CET-4 and CET-6, and I am used to 150-180 words.
(The official minimum is 120 words, the maximum is 180 words for CET-4 and 200 words for CET-6).
The average sentence is 10 words, which is about 180 & # x2F; 10 & # x3D; 18 sentences. Do you stop panicking when you
see this.
Yes, in fact, to finish a CET-4 composition, what you really want to write is only 18 sentences.
These 18 sentences are assigned to the beginning, the main body and the end, each part is about 2-4 sentences, 9-11 sentences and 2-3 sentences.
Apart from some short sentences for improvisation and simple sentences for describing examples, there are fewer universal sentences that you need to prepare in advance.
So what exactly are the universal sentences?
! “” How do you use the universal formula?
!」 「……」 Go straight to the dry goods below.
Dry goods are coming! 2. Three kinds of universal sentences can be written down if you remember them. As
I said just now, we only need to make a few sentences about the three parts of the beginning, the main body and the end.
Three kinds of universal sentences come from this.
& lt; 1 & gt; Universal Sentences at the Beginning At the beginning of the introduction of universal sentences at the beginning, I have to clarify a concept: the universal sentences we choose to recite must be the best of the best.
What do you mean by “choosing the best of the best”?
First, it can surprise you in terms of vocabulary, sentence patterns, writing and so on. Second, the possibility of successfully applying it to a variety of composition genres and topics is even higher. Now there are two sentences: First sentence: In modern times, socialprogressenablesanincreasingnumberofcommoncitizen to do something, with + somebody & # x2F; Sth. + “-ing participle clause”. Second sentence: With the development of science and technology, more and more people believe that … If I were to judge, I would say that the first sentence is better than second, for four reasons: in terms of words, common citizens is a little more novel than people.
Phraseologically, an increasing number of is a little more advanced than more and more. In the
sentence pattern, the first sentence is slightly longer to make up the number of words. In terms of
content, the first sentence is easier to apply to more scenarios.
Let’s use the real question as an example. December
2020 CET-4 Composition Title: Changes in the Way of Education & # x2F; Transportation & # x2F; Communication.
(On Education & # x2F; Transportation & # x2F; In modern times, social progressions and increasing numbers of common citizens to change the way of child communication, withonline-teachingallowingstudentstostudyathome.Inmoderntimes, socialprogressenablesanincreasingnumberofcommoncitizenstochangethewayoftransportation, withtheestablishmentofvariouspublictransportationmakingtravelconvenientandefficient.Inmoderntimes, socialprogressenablesanincreasingnumberofcommoncitizenstochangethewayofcommunication, The with socialmediaandelectronic devices graduallyexposingpeopletotheexplosionofinformation. Fits perfectly.
Take another example of CET-6. December
2020 CET-6 Composition Topic: Discuss “why students shouldbeencouragedtodevelopeffective communications kills.” (On why students should develop effective communication skills) The above sentence pattern, It’s also super simple: Inmoderntimes, socialprogressenablesanincreasingnumberofcommoncitizenstoattachmoreimportancetoeffectivecommunication, With collegestudentsbeingencouragedtoequipthemselveswithuseful communicationskills., even if it is an epistolary style, there is no fear at all.
Change it, it still works! For example, the topic of CET-4 composition in December 2019 is “WritealettertoaforeignfriendwhowantstoteachEnglishinChina. Pleaserecommendacitytohim.” (Write a letter, Recommend a city for foreign friends who want to come to China to teach English?
Let me demonstrate how to “rewrite flexibly”.
Inmoderntimes,socialprogressenablesanincreasingnumberofforeignfriendstocometoChina, With theaimofs tudyinginChinawhilemakingal iving byteachingEnglish. How convenient, how appropriate, how convenient, how to rewrite.
After all, omnipotent sentences can be used in 99% of situations, depending on the degree of familiarity and the flexibility of improvisation! In contrast, the second sentence, “With the development of science and technology, more and more people believe that …” Very unfriendly, can not be flexible to complete the writing task, so, of course, choose the first sentence back! All right, I have prepared a “universal opening sentence” like the one above for you.
Serve-not much, just five sentences.
Master the top 50 sentences! Recite it now! (1)Inmoderntimes,socialprogressenablesanincreasingnumberofcommoncitizenstodosomething,with+sb./ Sth. + “-ing participle clause”. (2) Nowadays, with therapidly growingpopularityof + topic, There isagrowingconcernover + topic topic (broad) since + reason sentence. (3) Whenitcomesto + topic topic, ahostofpeopleconsidersthasadj 1, Whilefrommyperspective, Iregardsthas + adj2, with + status descriptor & # x2F; Inrecentyears, there exists sagrowingtendencyforsomebody (e. G. College students), whoare + adjtodosomething +, To do sth + when describes the time & # x2F; when the scene occurs.) When used about … Themajority wouldsupportA. Others, however, likeme, regardBastheirpropensity. After talking about the beginning, we will talk about the universal sentence of the middle body part.
This part, probably to get 9-11 sentences, believe me, is also very, very simple! Three under five divided by two, we make clear the writing ideas of the main part. The classmate that
does not have train of thought, writing according to this train of thought can be written absolutely: Train of thought one: say + give an example (positive) + say + give an example (negative) train of thought two: say + give an example 1 (positive) + give an example 2 (positive) what meaning?
“Zheng Shuo” refers to the view of positive thinking, and “example (Zheng)” is used to support the positive view.
“Contra” refers to the idea of reverse thinking, and “example (contra)” is used to support the opposite idea. Writing
in this way is really not difficult: say two sentences, say two sentences, give two examples, each 2-3 sentences, the main part is completed.. Done.. It’s done.
Moreover, the main point of giving examples is to express clearly, to the point, to the logic, and to be able to confirm their own views.
Therefore, even if you use the simplest “subject-predicate-object-who did what” sentence pattern, as long as you make sure that there are no grammatical errors and that you match the high-end transitional words, you can really do it.
As for the omnipotent sentence and the omnipotent sentence, memorize the omnipotent sentence and get it done.
For example, the topic of the CET-4 composition in December 2020 is: Changes in the way of Communication. The theme part follows the train of thought 1. It can be written like this: Just say: Firstandforemost, itisacknowledgedthatthedifficultyofcommunicationhasbeengreatlyreducedbyadvanceddevelopmentofInternet, Through which we can enjoy real-timechattingand talking withfamilymemberorfriends. (31 words) example (positive): For example, popularmobilephoneapplicationsuchasWeChatenablesustocommunicatewithfriendsbysendingamessagesaying’hello’in3seconds.Besid es,inthedaysofshortvideo,peoplecansharetheirlifeorexpresstheiropinionswithmillionsofnetizensthroughTikTok, Kuaishouor Weibo. (50 words): However, as posed to what App-developers initially mightbe directed to do, therapidappearanceofelectronicdevices, Appsandotherform sofsocialmedia haveexertednegativeinfluenceto communication. (28 words) Example (reverse): A typical example is that people end to sp. endlesstimeinface-to-facecommunication.Moreover, Somepeoples aytheyfeelanxious whenopenmobilephoneandfindtheunreadmessagesnoticeis “99 +”. (33 words) The main part is done in this way, a total of 142 words, each part does not exceed 2 sentences.
If you don’t like to write long sentences, add some simple short sentences. The combination of long and short sentences is more refreshing.
Don’t panic! It can be saved! As for the universal sentences of the subject class, I have listed them below.
A. Positive universal sentence (1) Firstandforemost, itisacknowledged that + somebody, parenthesis (describing somebody), hasdonesomething,exertinggreatinfluenceonsomething.(2)Inthefirstplace,itisnoticeable/evidentthat…) Ononehand, main sentence, resultingin + the possible consequences of the topic event.
Ontheotherhand, providedthat + hypothetical case, thecircumstancewill betotally & # x2F; slightlydifferent.(4)Accordingtothefactthat… , itisnowaccepted by somebodythat + positive viewpoint. (5) Tobeginwith, itisthesocialtrendthat + positive viewpoint. As opposed to what general public believe. (2) On the contrary, some peopletake different view son … (3)Sth.isanincreasinglywidespreadproblemthatitimposesadramaticinfluenceon… (4)Althoughthereisnodenyingthat… , wecannotignorethefactthat + reverse view. (5) Unfortunately, itisnotalways thecasethat … C. Forinstance & # x2F; Forexample … 2.Takesthforexample… 3.Atypicalexampleofthisis… Anotherexampleworthnotingisthat… 4. Given the fact that + example, weshould developanawarenessof … 5.Acaseinpointisthe… 1. Attributive clause (which + sentence) main clause, use which to explain the “main clause” or “noun in the main clause”. It is a very simple and useful structure, which must be used! 2. The sth. Doingwith with somebody & # x2F; can supplement the main clause very well, and make up the number of words better.
3. Emphatic Sentence Itiss B. & # x2F; sth. Thatdosomething. “Itis …” The deletion of “that” has no effect on the main clause, but only to highlight the middle part of “sb. & # x2F; sth.”.
This sentence pattern is a super bonus, and it is recommended.
4. Parentheses delete noun phrases and short sentences that have no effect on the main clause at all. A better explanation of the previous When welookatarealistic painting-a path of a historical figure-we accept by convention that the portrait represents the area Person oractual object s. 5. Put the negative adverb in front of the inverted sentence. Often with partial inversion Shehardlyhastimetolistentomusic. → Hardlydoesshehavetimetolistentomusic. She hardly has time to listen to music. When
you want to say a negative example, remember to upend it. One upside-down in a composition is enough! & lt; 3 & gt; The last step of the Long March, the end is completed, and it’s done! The senior has to sigh again, and the ending is super, super simple.
College students take CET-4 and CET-6, what bad ideas can they have? It is
definitely necessary to sublimate the theme in the direction of “truth, goodness, and beauty.”. If you
don’t know how to write it, remember the following way to write it: I, asacollegestudent, deemthatitis of great necessity for youngstersto + true, good and beautiful, lofty point of view. Tosumup, Retell the topic point of view + true, good and beautiful, lofty point of view.
Show that they are college students, young people should carry forward the truth, goodness and beauty is absolutely no problem! For example At the end of the CET-4 composition question “Change sinthewayof Communication.” In December 2020, you can write: I, asacollegestudent, deemthatitisofgreatnecessityforyoungsterstorealizethepreciousnessoftraditionalwayofcommunication.Tosumup, ourwayofcommunicationhasbeenchangedbyadvancedtechnology, Butwecanstillchoosetokeepabalancebet weenvirtual communication andface. First of all, show your identity as a college student, and then carry forward the view of truth, goodness and beauty. It points out that we should not only cherish the traditional way of communication, but also strike a balance between modern network virtual communication and real communication.
Done, done, finished! So, with the universal set of sentences, the composition is really very simple.
As usual, keep on the dry goods! I put it here:) I, as acollegestudent, deemthatitis of great necessity for youngstersto + true, good, beautiful, lofty point of view. Tosumup, Retell the topic point of view + true, good and beautiful, lofty point of view. (2) Inbrief & # x2F; Inconclusion & # x2F; Last but not least, weoughttotakeactions todosth. (3) Allinall, Ibelievethatasthenewgeneration of our country, weshould alwaysdosth. (4) Therefore, inmyopinion & # x2F; inanutshell, only … somebodydosomething… Can somebody do something (e.g. the something becomes better). (5) Simplyput, based on all the analysis above, is no overstatement to say that … Knowledge, it has to go into the head.
3. Practical Model Essay December 2020 CET-4 Composition Title: Changes in the way of Communication. The complete model essay using universal sentences is as follows: Beginning: In modern times, socialprogressenablesanincreasingnumberofcommoncitizenstochangethewayofcommunication, The with socialmediaandelectronic devices graduallyexposingpeopletotheexplosionofinformation. (29 words) is saying Firstandforemost, itisacknowledgedthatthedifficultyofcommunicationhasbeengreatlyreducedbyadvanceddevelopmentofInternet, Through which we can enjoy real-timechattingand talking withfamilymemberorfriends. (31 words) example (positive): For example, popularmobilephoneapplicationsuchasWeChatenablesustocommunicatewithfriendsbysendingamessagesaying’hello’in3seconds.Besid es,inthedaysofshortvideo,peoplecansharetheirlifeorexpresstheiropinionswithmillionsofnetizensthroughTikTok, Kuaishouor Weibo. (50 words): However, as posed to what App-developers initially interested to do, therapeutic appearance of electronic devices, Appsandotherform sofsocialmedia haveexertednegativeinfluenceto communication. (28 words) Example (reverse): A typical example is that people end to sp. endlesstimeinface-to-facecommunication.Moreover, Somepeoples aytheyfeelanxious whenopenmobilephoneandfindtheunreadmessagesnoticeis “99 +”. (33 words) ending: I, asacollege student, deemthatitisofgreatnecessityforyoungsterstorealizethepreciousnessoftraditionalwayofcommunication.Tosumup, ourwayofcommunicationhasbeenchangedbyadvancedtechnology, But wecanstillchoosetokeepabalancebet weenvirtual communication andface-to-face communication. (46 words) 217 words in total. It’s
too long.
Cough, senior sister, this is to illustrate the more detailed … You can write a little shorter in the exam! Don’t write so long.
I accidentally wrote it too long. This also shows that the writing of CET-4 and CET-6 is really easy, and it can make up the number of words.
With the universal set of sentences, there is absolutely no need to fear! 4. Summarize that the CET-4 and CET-6 will be held twice a year soon. After summarizing the omnipotent sentences, I recommend two English writing books to you. Students with weak
English foundation are recommended to read “CET-4 and CET-6 Writing Training”, and students with good English foundation are recommended to read “IELTS Writing High Score Model Collection”. Dimension reduction is always the king’s way. There is
WeChat reading, super convenient, very good use very good use, want to improve their writing ability of the students can search.
Focus on the topic of the exam, the layout of the article, and by the way, pick out the phrases you like to recite. It’s time to cra
m! Finally, the senior put out the omnipotent sentences at the beginning, the main body and the end together to facilitate everyone’s preparation and memory.
1. Universal sentence at the beginning: (1) In modern times, socialprogressenablesanincreasingnumberofcommoncitizen to do something, with + somebody & # x2F; Sth. + “-ing participle clause”. (2) Nowadays, with therapidly growingpopularityof + topic, There isagrowingconcernover + topic topic (broad) since + reason sentence. (3) Whenitcomesto + topic topic, ahostofpeopleconsidersthasadj 1, Whilefrommyperspective, Iregardsthas + adj2, with + status descriptor & # x2F; Inrecentyears, there exists sagrowingtendencyforsomebody (e. G. College students), whoare + adjtodosomething +, Todosth + when describes the time & # x2F; the scene appears. (5) When used about … , themajority wouldsupportA. Others, however, likeme, regardBastheirpropensity. 2. Subject omnipotent sentences: A. Positive omnipotent sentences (1) Firm standforemost, It isacknowledged that + somebody, parenthesis (describing somebody), hasdonesomething,exertinggreatinfluenceonsomething.(2)Inthefirstplace,itisnoticeable/evidentthat… (3) Ononehand, the main sentence, resultingin + the possible consequences of the topic event.
Ontheotherhand, providedthat + hypothetical case, thecircumstancewill betotally & # x2F; slightlydifferent.(4)Accordingtothefactthat… , itisnowaccepted by somebodythat + positive viewpoint. (5) Tobeginwith, itisthesocialtrendthat + positive viewpoint. As opposed to what general public believe. (2) On the contrary, some peopletake different view son … (3)Sth.isanincreasinglywidespreadproblemthatitimposesadramaticinfluenceon… (4)Althoughthereisnodenyingthat… , wecannotignorethefactthat + reverse view. (5) Unfortunately, itisnotalways thecasethat … C. Example Universal Sentence 1. For instance & # x2F; For example … 2.Takesthforexample… .Atypicalexampleofthisis… Anotherexampleworthnotingisthat… 4. Given the fact that + example, weshould developanawarenessof … 5.Acaseinpointisthe… 1. Attributive clause (which + sentence) main sentence, use which to explain the “main sentence” or “noun in the main sentence”. It is a very simple and useful structure, which must be used! 2. The sth. Doingwith with somebody & # x2F; can supplement the main clause very well, and make up the number of words better.
3. Emphatic Sentence Itiss B. & # x2F; sth. Thatdosomething. “Itis …” The deletion of “that” has no effect on the main clause, but only to highlight the middle part of “sb. & # x2F; sth.”.
This sentence pattern is a super bonus, and it is recommended.
The parenthesis deletes noun phrases and short sentences that do not affect the main clause at all. A better explanation of the previous When welookatarealistic painting-a path of a historical figure-we accept by convention that the portrait represents the area Personoractual object s. 5. When a negative adverb is placed before an inverted sentence, it is often partially inverted.
Shehardlyhastimetolistentomusic. → Hardlydoesshehavetimetolistentomusic. She hardly has time to listen to music.
3. Ending omnipotent sentence (1) I, asacollegestudent, deemthatitis of great necessity for youngstersto + true, good and beautiful, lofty viewpoint. Tosumup, Retell the topic point of view + true, good and beautiful, lofty point of view. (2) Inbrief & # x2F; Inconclusion & # x2F; Last but not least, weoughttotakeactions todosth. (3) Allinall, Ibelievethatasthenewgeneration of our country, weshould alwaysdosth. (4) Therefore, inmyopinion & # x2F; inanutshell, only … somebodydosomething… Can somebody do something (e.g. the something becomes better). (5) Simplyput, based on all the analysis above, is no overstatement to say that … Finally, please accept: High Score Magic Wand! CET-4 and CET-6 at the end of the year! . Focus on not getting lost ~