Do you know how to apply for a job?

As a rule, this is a personal background: the National Examination Examination 140+, the Provincial Examination 160+.

Is there any way to apply for an examination? Actually there is. It should be said that I myself have used some of my skills to help myself become more accessible.

This applies to two categories of persons:

For the first time, freshmen with no absolute confidence in their abilities. This paper helps you to really understand the know-how to sign up and to make it easier for you to score equally.

2. Many competitive examinations have been conducted with a high level of competence, but with a desire to strike at the hands of experienced candidates in popular positions. This paper will help you avoid the pits of fairy fighting.

The following questions can be answered:

Do I have the right to take an exam?

Which two positions are good?

What are my professional positions?

Four, I’ve got a pretty good test. Is that all I can do?

Which of the posts I can report is more accessible?

I don’t know.

I’ve been doing a lot of research, and this is my research that has helped many people to make a difference.

The text begins.

I. Are you eligible for the examination?

Three main considerations: domicile, education, age, profession

(i) Civil status

For the national examination, only a small number of posts are required to have a domicile. The provincial examinations are different, for example, Beijing, Shanghai and Jiangsu (many municipalities except Nanjing).

Therefore, special attention should be paid to the description of the residence requirements in the province’s application announcement when taking the examination.

(ii) Educational aspects

The National Examination is staffed with specialists, undergraduates, graduate students (Masters and Doctors). However, provincial examinations may be required, for example, in 2019 Guangdong Province, which required that candidates who were not domiciled in Guangdong must have an undergraduate degree and above.

It is therefore necessary to read carefully the requirements for academic qualifications set out in the call for admission to the register.

(iii) Age aspects

The age requirements for national and provincial examinations are generally 18 to 35 years. The age for applying for a master ‘ s degree and a doctoral degree (non-career) in the year was lowered to 40 years.

Some jobs in some provinces may be more restrictive in terms of age, such as the 2020 job announcement in Guangdong, which states that “the age of the people’s police (judiciary police) is between 18 and 30 years for positions in the city’s two courts, public security organs and prisons, and the first-line administration of the drug rehabilitation system”.

(iv) Professional aspects

At the professional level, you need to download a jobsheet, search for your profession inside, and if you cannot, do not be discouraged, because many jobs are recruited on the basis of a professional category.

For example, in the management category, business management, public administration, administration, etc. can be tested below.

In order to clarify the affiliation of the profession, the Catalogue of Professional Classifications of the National Civil Service Examination can be found at the end of the text.

II. Which posts are good?

Some of the candidates felt that being close to home was a good job, others felt that being free was a good job, that I could only use two of the most common criteria to measure whether it was a “good job”, one on wages and the other on the road.

(i) Wage aspects

I can only confirm that there are Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Dong Chong, Suzhou, Nanjing, Hangzhou, and other welcome friends in the comment area.

Shanghai and Beijing should be areas where wages are delinked from home prices.

If you are just a friend of a stable, high-paying candidate, priority can be given to the developed coastal cities south of Shanghai (with the exception of Shanghai) (one line and new line, or second line), which will not disappoint you.

In terms of institutional attributes, in the same region, salaries of the Public Prosecutor’s Service > (local civil servants, central administrative civil servants).

(ii) The way forward

In terms of the platform level, the provincial ministry is superior to the municipal level; in the provincial level, the provincial level is higher. For civil servants in general, the platform level is the most important factor in your career, and the ministry does not have a chief, starting with a deputy. And if you’re in town, then the science rate is your finish.

In terms of institutional attributes, the party system, the system of government, the political union.

In terms of sectoral attributes, integrated departments such as the Office of the Director, the Personnel Office, the Office of Political Affairs and the Political Department are all those that are suitable for a career.

III. How can a job be selected more easily?

(i) The key factor in determining the difficulty of entry — “recording” or “number of applicants”?

The intensity of job competition is measured by two types of indicators, i.e., the rate of entry and the number of applicants.

Note: “The number of persons enrolled” is a concept that follows: “the number of persons whose eligibility has been approved”. The rate is the number of applicants/applicants. The number of applicants refers to the number of final recruits, with some positions likely to be filled by more than one person in one job and most of them by only one person.

Impact of reporting on the minimum score line

For the purpose of controlling the variables, the range of sample data for all analyses in this paper is different because of the different types of examinations, which are for the following types of posts in the municipality (local) and for which there are no examinations in specialized subjects.

The impact of the reporting on the lowest-level score line can be expressed by the relevant coefficient, which can generally be divided into three levels:

<r|0.4 is of low linear relevance;

0.4 ≤|r<0.7 is significant;

0.7 ≤|r<1 is linearly related to height.

Correlation factor for the reporting ratio to the minimum score line

Analysis using data science tools results in a three-year reporting ratio associated with the lowest point in progress at 0.730.74, which is highly linear. (The value of the report is highly tilted, so the logarithmic conversion is followed by the relevant coefficient, and it doesn’t matter if a student who doesn’t understand can ignore it.)

This indicates that, overall, the reporting ratio has a high effect on the entry threshold.

(Advanced impact index: ★★★★★)

Impact of the number of applicants on the entry threshold

Factors relating to the number of applicants relative to the lowest point in progress

Using data science tools to analyse the number of people who have passed the three-year eligibility review (i.e., the number of people who have signed up) and the relevant coefficient of the lowest possible fraction line is 0.4 to 0.5, which is more or less linear.

(Advanced impact index: ★★★★✰)

Overall, the number of applicants has a significant impact on the lowest entry score, but far less so than on the lowest entry point.

In other words, when we register, we must give priority to the recording of our posts. If they are too high, you will have to think about whether you have enough capacity to move forward.

The selection of the lowest-numbered posts from among those of the heart is a more rational choice for general candidates.

(ii) Other important factors determining the difficulty of progress

When we first got the list, a lot of people had not yet signed up, and we did not know what the final status was, but we could pre-position ourselves with a selection of some elements.

Next, I will carry out a data analysis of a number of key elements to determine which elements are more conducive to individual screening.

The following data analysis is used in the statistical graphs. Considering that most of the students do not have a statistical background, I have added to the conclusion that one cannot read the picture directly.

Diagram of the elements of the box chart

Impact of educational requirements on the difficulty of entry

Box chart of the distribution of the lowest points of entry for posts with different degrees in 2018

In the figure above, we can see eight boxes, the first one on the left represents the distribution of the edifice of the post of Ph.D. only, which is too few, so very few (only one) data samples, leading to only a green line representing the median and not a “box”. The other boxes are more normal.

Then we’ve done a detailed analysis of the above and, in order to make the discussion more meaningful, we’ve done it in terms of the undergraduate perspective, the master’s perspective and the doctorate perspective. Principal concern is the median (Green Line) (median represents the average of the edifice, the upper and lower edge represents the upper and lower limit of the edifice)

If you are undergraduate, then you need to look at five case charts of undergraduates, college and above, college or above, undergraduate and above.

From the three-year comparison of data, we can figure…

1) From 2018 to 2020, the median digit of the edifice “Occupational and above” (Green Line) is low, so that, in the case of other similar conditions in the post, preference is given to “Occupational and above” which will make your landing more stable.

2) From 2018 to 2020, the median numeric numeric value (Green Line) of the “undergraduate or master’s degree” is higher, so avoid “undergraduate or master’s degree” when other conditions are similar to the job.

3) From 2018 to 2020, there are no significant differences in medians (Green Line) of the edifice of the `undergraduate’, `undergraduate and above’, and their differences need not be taken into account when applying.

If you are a master’s degree, then you need to look at five case charts: “Master’s degree only”, “Academies and above”, “Academy and above”, “Academy or Master’s degree” and “Master’s degree and above”.

From the comparison of these five figures, we can tell…

1) From 2018 to 2020, the median numeric value of the entry line (Green Line) for the post “Occupational and above” remains the lowest.

So you are recommended to give priority to the post of college and higher.

3 If you are a doctorate, based on some of the previous analyses, you can focus only on the two case charts of “doctoral graduates only” and “Master and above”. “Accords and above” are not a choice for a master’s degree. I’m not sure.

2) Without taking into account the post of “Professional and above”, let’s look at the remaining “undergraduate and above”, “master’s degree only”, “master’s degree or master’s degree” and “master’s degree and above” four case charts, the median line of three years (Green Line) is not far more than 10 points, and their differences need not be taken into account when applying.

If you graduate as a Ph.D., according to some of the previous analyses, you can focus only on the two graphs: “PhD graduates only” and “Master and above”.

From the comparison of these two figures, we can tell…

1) The median number of “doctoral students only” entry points is very low, so do not hesitate to choose “doctoral students only” when other conditions are similar. (Only one job in 2018 and one job in 2019, none in 2020.

In other general cases, the choice of “Master’s degree and above” is better than that of “Academies and above” and “undergraduate and above”.

Progressive impact index: ★★✰✰✰

The impact of politics on the difficulty of progress

In the above figure, we can see three case charts, the median line (Green Line), which is not very different, indicating that the average level of candidates is similar in three political contexts.

In contrast to the edges, the upper edge (ceiling) of the `open-ended’ numeric line for political positions is high, and the upper edge (ceiling) of the `Chinese Communist Party’ and `Chinese Communist Party or Young Communist League’ posts is usually lower.

Among them, the upper edge (ceiling) of the “CCP member or CCP member” movement line is generally lower.

In other words, the choice of the position of a “Chinese Communist Party member or a member of the Young Communist Party” would be more secure.

Progressive impact index: ★★✰✰✰

Impact of minimum age requirements for grass-roots work on the difficulty of entry

In the above figure, let’s look at the median, and see that the median height is –


Overall, the higher the minimum number of years of work at the grass-roots level, the lower the average number of points in the progression line (a small difference between one, two and three years).

On the edge of the border, “unlimited” (“one year”, “two years”, “three years” and “more than five years”). The upper limit for entry points for posts with a minimum number of years of work at the grass-roots level is lower than for non-required posts.

It is therefore recommended that, if you have a work experience at the grass-roots level, the preference given to posts with a minimum number of years of work at the grass-roots level, where other conditions are similar, will clearly help to alleviate the pressure on you.

Progressive impact index: ★★★★✰

Impact of work experience requirements for grass-roots projects on the difficulty of entry

(Special programmes refer to the village officials of university students, the programme for special posts for teachers in rural schools in compulsory education, the “three one-stop” programme, the university volunteer programme in the west, etc.)

As can be seen from the figure above, the median number of points for the “specialized” job is significantly lower than the median number for the “unlimited” job.

According to three years of data, as long as you report a job in a special programme, and the written examination reaches the average, you can stabilize progress, so easy. It is no wonder that many people go ahead with the special plan before they get there.

So if you have experience in serving grass-roots projects, please select the jobs that are required to serve grass-roots projects, otherwise it would be a real loss.

Progressive impact index: ★★★★✰

Impact of institutional level requirements on the difficulty of entry

As can be seen from the figure above, except for 2018, the graphs for the county (district) level and below in 2019 and 2020 and the graphs for the city (local) level are not very different, the median is very close, and the size and height of the boxes are very close. There is no need to consider the impact at the institutional level when applying.

Progressive impact index: ★✰✰✰✰

Impact of test requirements on entry difficulties

The data for three years show that the entry edge of the required posts is not very high and that such posts are generally well advanced. The lower edge means that students who have the same ability to test do not report such positions and are more labour-intensive.

Progressive impact index: ★★★✰✰

It is believed that when you look at the above, you should know how to take the test. Some of the conclusions are common sense, some of which I found after data analysis, for example, that the reference value of reporting is much greater than the number of applicants.

With the above conclusions, we can move on to the next step, and how to develop an application strategy.

IV. What is the most scientific application strategy?

(i) Recruitment tactics

The registration tactics are the short-term strategies in each registration.

According to the foregoing analysis, the most important elements of registration without regard to the same or similar treatment are:

The number of people enrolled in the project, the minimum age of work at the grass-roots level, and the requirements for the qualification

So if it’s a national examination, then the most rational approach is to:

1 Before applying for the national competitive examination, check the entry data for the first three years (annex 1 at the end of the text) and select those who can apply for the examination on the basis of their professional qualifications, qualifications, etc., in order to estimate the number of points required for the progress, with the aim of preparing the examination.

2 Upon the opening of the national examination, the core posts are screened on the basis of the current year ‘ s job chart, with regard to the registration and number of candidates for those posts, and are then kept in place, so as not to rush in.

3 Two days prior to the closing of the national examination, according to the latest information on the previous day, the candidates for the lowest-rated posts were selected (for posts with similar results, they continue to be screened in the order of the Minimum Years of Service at the Basic Level > Examination Requirements).

Next, you will keep an eye on the status of registration and check for clearance, which may sometimes be returned for change or additional information. After the audit has been completed, congratulations have been given to you for making the best possible choice for this registration, which is a crucial step forward for your landing.

(ii) Evaluation strategy

The application strategy refers to a long-term application strategy to ensure disembarkation. This strategy is based on probabilistic theory.

Assuming that a candidate does not have a special probabilities of 30% through hard preparation, then if he only enrols once, then he’s only 30%. This is the case for many candidates who only intend to take an examination before graduation.

But if the candidate takes the examination once for the national examination, for the province, for the neighbouring developed provinces, for the cities of the developed cities and for the provincial services, assuming six examinations, the probability is that he will not make it all (1-30 per cent) § 6 = 11.8 per cent. In other words, 88% of the probability is at least once.

It’s just for candidates with 30% chance of entry, and for more capable candidates, multiple tests, it’s basically guaranteed.

So, the application strategy is simple. You just have to take more exams, and you’ll always land.

Choice and hard work are important, and I hope you take every step from choice.


In order to give you a more intuitive view of how to register, I decided to share the data sources and supporting information I have compiled with a view to making it easier for you to learn about the situation over the past year.

Choice and hard work are important, and I hope you take every step from choice.


Extract code: 9ea7

Tables of registration and entry data for national examinations

Catalogue of national civil service examinations

Case number: YXA18KLJY9sx6y8M4ec9r9z

I don’t know.

Keep your eyes on the road.