How do we evaluate Whiskey?

There are many comments on Hu Chi, and today we look at Hu Chi and Lu Xian together in a different way.


In January 1917, Hu Hui, who was studying abroad in the United States, published a book entitled ” Literary improvements for the better ” , in volume 2, No. 5, The New Youth, published by the editor-in-chief of Chen, and in a letter addressed to Chen, said: “We have raised the flag of the revolution, we cannot retreat from it, and we will never take what we have argued, and we cannot allow others to choose it. I’m sorry.

As a result, the curtain of the “new cultural movement” was officially opened with the strong advocacy of Hu Xi and others. Hu Xi is also known for his “literacy revolution” and has been invited to North China to offer three courses in English literature, English terminology and ancient Chinese philosophy, as well as to establish a philosophy institute.

The following year, Hu Xi joined the editorial board of The New Youth, and began to promote white language, personal emancipation, freedom of thought and as leader of the new cultural movement. At the same time, the stories of Hu Xian and Luxuan have officially begun.

On May 15, 1918, the first short white novel created by Lu Xuan was launched in the New Youth, vol. 4, No. 5, and generated a great deal of resonance within the school community. Hu Xi then gave a very high degree of appreciation and warm appreciation to Lu Xian and paid tribute to Lu Xian as the “King General of the White Word Literature Movement ” . I’m sorry.

One day, the joyful Rush invited Hu Xi to dinner at home.

At dinner, Hu Xi, when he saw the cuisine with peppers, asked, “As far as I know, the Zhejiang community is not spicy, sir seems to be an exception. I’m sorry.

He said, “You’re right, we don’t eat chili, but we have a passion for chili.” I’m using this as a relief. I’m sorry.

When I heard that, I was even more confused, and he was curiously asked, “Piprika to get out of trouble.” I’m sorry.

Lu smiled and noded and said, “Piprika is the best relief, and when people are in the middle of the night, they take a chili, split it up, chew it in their mouths, chew it on their foreheads, cry in their eyes, get warm, fall asleep, read it again.” Mr. Qi can try. I’m sorry.

When Hu Ji listened to Lu Soon’s explanation, they laughed.

In the following years, Hu Xi and Luxuan became more closely engaged, both of them supporting each other, fighting together, fighting against old morals and rituals and promoting science and democracy; and opposing texts and promoting white words. In particular, in promoting a new culture, they respond to one another, share a common vision and ideas and develop new cultural movements.


On January 15, 1919, the entire body was excited to say, “I can’t sleep in one night, but I think about it. I’m sorry.

In the same year, the collection of extraterritorial novels, translated by Luxuan and Zhou, was published in Tokyo, and Hu Chi deliberately compared the work with a rigorous translation of the forest. Hu Chi believes that the translation of Lu Xian is both very high in ancient writing and does not lose its Spanish content. As a result, Hu Zhi lamented: “The collection of extraterritorial novels is indeed much higher than the one translated by Lin. I’m sorry.

Later, Hu Xian and Lu Xian responded more literaryly, for example, by writing a poem in the Weekly Review, ” My son ” , against the feudal Shaolin, and Lu Xian followed closely with the subsequent publication ” How We Are Fathers Now ” , in order to tarnish the philosophies. When Hu Xian was attacked by the Acoustics and Accelerators, Lu Xian wrote ” Essays ” and ” Answers KS ” to protect his friends.

In addition to this, Lu Xian and Hu Xian eat and drink together, regularly give books and correspondence, etc., and provide information and rectification for each other ‘ s literature. When Hu Xian gave a study certificate on the Western Travel, he specifically commissioned Lu Xuan to look for the relevant information, and when Hu Xian gave an examination on the Three Nations Act, he also chose to use the Lu Xian script of the novel as a reference.

In 1920, Hu Chi-Ben intended to write a Chinese novel but, due to all sorts of things, it has not been written for years. Three years later, Roux published his first monograph on the history of the development of Chinese novels. When Hu Xi saw the work, he was not only jealous, but also passionately helpful and exaggerated.

In his creation of the Chinese novel Sileen, Lu Xian sought the views of Hu Xi on several occasions and cited Hu Xi ‘ s testimonial material. Hu Chi also described in his own work the friendship between him and Lu Xian: “The two men, when discussing academic issues, have never turned their backs, have been right enough to say yes, wrongly told, in doubt and disconcerting, have talked to each other. I’m sorry.

Lu Xian’s comments on Hu Xian will also be taken seriously, and he wrote back: “Mr. Xianji, go to university today and receive hands-on instruction. It is a shame to read The Slur of Novels (which is very misleading and is to be revised in the next volume). Too little has been said to be true, and the same is true. I’m too emotional to think about it, so it’s actually a disadvantage to avoid it; but in the light of my novels, it seems to be a little more judgmental than in the previous one, and it’s done and it’s very much in the hope of being written in February. I’m sorry.

Later, Hu Ji praised the creation of the Chinese novel Sileen in his own book The History of Biblical Literature: “I also contributed a little to the history of novels. But, naturally, the greatest achievement was Mr. Ruther’s “Slew of China” — an open-door creation, hard-working collection, good material, and very rigid cut-off, which could save energy for our literary history. I’m sorry.


In 1922, Hu Xi wrote a 50-year-old Chinese literature for the fiftieth anniversary of Shanghai’s Declaration, in which he wrote: “The monthly newspaper of novels for more than one year has become an important body for the promotion of `creation’, and several good works have been written. But the biggest achievement was made by a man named Lu Xun. His short novels, from Madman’s Diaries four years ago to the recent A Q Positives, were not much, but almost nothing bad. I’m sorry.

As a result, Hu Hu knew one of the first people to know the value of Lu Xuan’s novels at the time, and he also commented in his diary that “The Zhou brothers are the cutest, and their geniuses are high.” “The wisdom and the creativity of prosthesis, while the appreciation and the creation of less.”

On 17 May of the same year, Hu Xi was reading at home, and suddenly when the phone rings, he answered the phone and asked, “Who is it? I’m sorry.

“You’re Dr. Hu.” Great. Guess who I am?”

“I can’t hear you. I’m sorry.

And then, at the end of the phone, there was a laughter, and slowly said, “Don’t guess, I’m a declarant.” I’m sorry.

After hearing the words, Hu Chi immediately said to himself, “Proclaim your Majesty?”

Turns out that he had just installed a telephone in the palace, and then he called Hu Xi directly to check his telephone book. And he said, “Yes, I am the Emperor.” I don’t know what you are. You have time to come to the palace. I’m sorry.

He said yes without thinking, so he actually went to see Pu Yi.

Following the news of the meeting between Hu Xi and Ki Yi, it was thought that there had been a great deal of interest and overinterpretation on the part of all sectors of society at the time. As a result of this meeting, one of the two parties was the intellectual leader of the new cultural movement and one was the emperor of the feudal dynasty. Their meetings will naturally attract widespread attention from all sectors of society, and public opinion will be raging, and even many newspapers are reporting under such headings as “There is still a case of feudal ruler in Hu Chi”, “There is a demand for exemption from kneeling” and “Ho Chi is an emperor.”

In the face of people’s concerns, Hu Chi has written a ” Declarion and Hu Chi ” article in the ” Hard Work Weekly” to clarify the facts and lamented: “A 17-year-old is lonely and pathetic in the palace. It’s normal to talk to someone. The idea of a king in the minds of the Chinese has not been washed. A very human thing. It’s a strange story. I’m sorry.

Lu Xian and Hu Xian are still on the same front at this time, and in the Silent China, “How to write ” , he strongly praised Hu Xian as “the first to try to innovate” and said that Hu Xian’s diary “must be much better”. When Lu read Hu Chi’s writings about the white words, he praised Hu Chi, saying, “The police are far, far and wide! I would like to see it published at an early date, as this historical reminder is better than many empty theories. I’m sorry.

In addition to this, Lu Xuan once commented on the timidness of the New Youth period: “It was Chen and Hu Xian who were the most intriguing to me.” “I admire Chen Hu.” I’m sorry.

However, it has not been long since Hu Chi advocated that young people should be educated, less involved in politics, and that he promoted the idea of “good government”. Gradually, there was a growing disagreement between Ruther and Hu Ji, with their political views and opinions at odds, and they eventually opted for a split.


In 1925, the conflict between Ruther and Hu Chi officially erupted. At this time, the Lu gradually moved from politics to civil society, with articles conveying the suffering of the people and making the voices of the lowest people; yet, at this point, the wimp went from books to politics, formally opening the way to politics and hoping to start real, top-down reforms. Since then, the two men have been transformed from comrades to enemies, and Ruther also specifically intended to state clearly in the article: “It is first Qing Dynasty who summoned Hu Xi, and then Zhu Zhu and Zhu Zhui and the Chiang Kai-shek Group that are in exchange. I’m sorry.

As such, one became the leader of the current regime, one became an advocate of the current regime, both of whom began to stand on the opposite side of life and, with each other at their centre, began to assemble a group of intellectuals, which at times made the quiet discourse acclaim. “I am a political man. When I was in college, I spent a third of my time in political economy. I’m sorry.

In the days that followed, Lu Xuan has taken a heavy toll on Hu Xian and has written many sarcasms and criticisms of Hu Xian, even as he has been criticized as “neither good nor good.”

Hu Xian faced the cynicism and criticism of Lu Xuan, and he never answered and always responded with silence. On 4 September 1929, Hu Xian, in a long letter to Zhou, lamented: ” Life and life are nothing but the most sincere love, alienation and change of personnel for Khunqun. It’s far away and deep. This time, it’s a good letter, and it’s a happy day, and it’s sad. It’s true. I want to see it. I’m sorry.

In 1930, Hu Xian led members of the New Crescent Society, using the magazine ” New Month ” , to launch a wave of human rights discussions and strongly criticized the Nationalist Party Government for its lack of attention to human rights issues. The magazine ” Crescent ” was subsequently seized for pissing off the National Party Government. However, the unsatisfied entitling followed with the creation of the weekly Independent Review, devoted to politics, and said: “It is in the spirit of independence that we want to remain independent for all time, without any party, without superstition or prejudice, and with responsible words to express what we all think. I’m sorry.

In addition to this, Hu Chi spoke passionately: “Western Europe, with its 18th and 9th century individualism, has created so many more freedom of love than bread, and love for truth than life, is the world of civilization today. And We say unto you, ‘It is for your nation that your freedom be fought.’ You fight for your own identity, you fight for the nation! Free and equal nations are not built by a bunch of slaves!”

At the end of 1931, the political orientation of Hu Chi became clear. When the news of his meeting with Chiang Kai-shek appeared in the press, Lu immediately wrote a book entitled ” The Hard of Living ” , published in the first issue of ” The Street of the Cross ” , under the signature of Péve. In this article, Lu Zhou, by name and by name, said to Hu Zhi: “When China is a king, when it comes to being a king, it is always time to make a good match with the Bachelor of Arts. When you’re in good hands, you’re in good hands, you’re in good hands, you’re in bad luck, and you think they really have a path to rule the country. Our Dr. Huxi has done such a job at a time when His Majesty’s poor are bored. It is also strange that after seeing them, people wonder what they call them. The doctor says, “He calls me sir, I call him Emperor.” .. no one asked him what he was called. Why? Because I know, this time it’s “I call his chairman…”!


At the end of 1932, after participating in a series of political events, such as the arrest of Mr. and Mrs. Nolan and Mr. Chen, the China Civil Rights Alliance was formally established in Shanghai. The main purpose and mission of the organization

Pan class = “fw-cl”: “to fight for the release of the country’s political prisoners and for the abolition of unlawful detention, torture and killing; to publish facts about the oppression of civil rights in order to summon the will of society to assist in any struggle for freedom of expression, publication, assembly, association, etc. I’m sorry.

Soon after, Ruther and Hu Xian joined the coalition. Roux was elected as one of the nine executive members of the Shanghai Chapter and Hu Xian was elected as the executive member and chairman of the North Pacific Chapter. The first thing he did when he took office was to investigate the situation of political prisoners.

On 31 January 1933, Hu Chi and Yang almond and Cheng Sheng and I went to visit the North Ping Army Reconnaissance House and two other prisons where political prisoners were held, with Zhang ‘ s consent.

Indeed, the visit was surprising to the prison authorities, who also learned from the prison details of the detention of political prisoners and made various observations to the officials concerned. At that time, Zhang Xu Liang’s chief of staff, Zhu Nyan, responded to their comments and said: “Mr. Zhang has had a hard time, has a great time, has a great time, has a long way to go, has a great heart.” The sections in question, however, are to be negotiated with the Government of Han, in the hope that they will be realized and that they will not be forgotten. I’m sorry.

Hu Chi was satisfied with the results of the operation, however, on 4 February 1933, Hu Chi suddenly received a letter in English from Schhottley, accompanied by a letter signed in English by Song Qinggi, as well as a complaint against the political prisoners in the Provincial Council.

In the letter, Smootlay and Song Qinggi specifically instructed the North Ping Chapter to lodge an immediate and serious protest with the North Ping authorities and to abolish lynchings of all kinds, as well as the immediate and unconditional release of all political prisoners.

However, four days before the receipt of the letter, Hu Xi had just visited the prison at the invitation of the North Pygmy branch and believed that it was still a “civilized prison” despite its minor defects. He therefore considers that the complaint should have been fabricated by others and that it is totally incompatible with the circumstances of his investigation. As a result, Hu gave Tsai Yuan Bei and Lin a serious letter of faith:

“I have read these three documents, and I am disappointed. The Reconnaissance House was visited by three of us the other day. There are many prisoners who talk to us in great detail, and the almonds will tell you in detail. They complained about the pain in the hospital, the biggest being the locking on their feet and the lack of nutrition. None of them, however, said what kind of lynching was carried out, as stated in Mrs. Sun ‘ s Application. At the time of the conversation, there was one person, Liu Qianwen, who had been an interpreter of the Soviet Press Agency and who had spoken with me for a long time in English, and if such torture had occurred, he could have spoken to me in English as much as possible. As far as I can see, there is no need for such lynchings among those convicted of these crimes.

I have received such documents before. Mrs. Sun’s file is an anonymous document: The letter stated that it had been written by an outsider, while the envelope stated that it had been sent to a prison. Can’t it be published without an examination?

It may wish to investigate the source of such documents and to consider their credibility. If one or two persons were to publish anonymous documents without the careful decision of the Executive Committee, it would be self-inflicted by the General Directorate and would make it possible for those of us who visited the prison to carry or fabricate such documents, which would not be easy to do.

If anything should be corrected or corrected by the General Service, do not hesitate to correct yourself in order to protect the trust of the General Service. I’m sorry.

It was unexpected that Hu had read the letter from Song Qinggi and the complaint in the English version of the newspaper Yankyu the next day. As a result, the tension between Hu Chi and Lu Xuan and the organization of the China National League for the Protection of Human Rights began to intensify.


Wang was also angry when he saw the newspaper reports and called him to question the source of the document. In the face of Wang Zharran’s questioning, Hu Qi had no idea what to say. As a result, Hu Xii wrote a letter to Cai Yuan Pei and Lin, in which he wrote:

“A copy of a similar complaint was sent to the World Daily newspaper for publication, where the author pretended to live in Hu Xi’s home and said that the article had been given to him.

Such documents are also fabricated from the same sources as Appeal received by Mrs. Sun. It is a serious mistake for Mrs. Sun to read foreign newspapers and publish them in the name of the National Executive Council without examining them, to have faith.

I believe that such behaviour is enough to undermine the credibility of the Council. The two Governments should be asked to conduct a thorough inquiry into the source of this document and whether the National Executive Council has ever met to determine the translation and distribution of such documents.

If one or two private individuals can make irresponsible anonymous contributions in the name of the supreme body of the Council, then a few of our friends in North Ping decided not to participate in such groups. I’m sorry.

Hu Xi then wrote to the editorial board of the newspaper Yankyung, which published the complaint:

“This court of reflection is one of the three prisons I visited last month with Mr. Yang Zheng and Mr. Sung Ping. We have spoken to more than one third of the political prisoners held there. Some of them spoke to me in English, so they were in a position where they could speak freely without fear of being noticed by prison officials. None of them referred to the appalling torture depicted in the appeal.

The appeal may well be a forged anonymous letter.

I write this letter without suggesting that the situation in this prison is satisfactory. The North level section of the Civil Rights Protection Alliance will make every effort to improve those situations. However, I do not want to improve on false language. I hate brutality, but I also hate falsehood. I’m sorry.

On 9 February, the Lin Chapel gave Hu Qian back his faith: “Dereza, knowing that the North Ping prison investigation report was fabricated, was handed over by Schmotler, and was indeed seen as a meeting of the Interim Executive Commissioner, who believed in the woman’s personality and was never in doubt about her intention to fabricate it, so it was published. Unfortunately, the facts are as good as Mr. Chairman’s letters. Cai, Yang and his brother considered the matter to be of such gravity that the source had to be thoroughly checked and the brother himself claimed responsibility for its correction. I’m sorry.

Upon receipt of the letter, Hu Chi sent a letter to Lim, in which he expressed his willingness to accept the comments of Schmotley, and in which he said: “I am aware. I knew she’d bring the papers. I have absolute confidence in her personality, and she will not fabricate such documents, but there are those who invent such materials, and they are the most vulnerable, as well as those who say, “A gentleman may deceive his side”. I’m sorry.

On 19 February, Hu Xian published a Civil Rights Guarantee in the Independent Review, in which he stated: “The question of civil rights guarantees is seen as a matter of politics rather than law. This is wrong. It is only by taking a legal stand in pursuit of civil rights guarantees that politics can lead to the rule of law. Only the rule of law is a permanent and universal guarantee of civil rights.” He then goes on to criticize the words “the general declaration of the Allies for the “immediate and unconditional release of all political prisoners”, which is not a guarantee of civil rights, but of the freedom of a Government to demand a revolution. For a Government to exist, it is natural that it cannot fail to sanction all actions to overthrow it or to resist it. Isn’t it true that the government is demanding the freedom of the revolution? It is the responsibility of the political campaigners themselves to prepare for the tigers. I’m sorry.

When the League for the Defence of Civil Rights read the article, it sent a telegram to Hu Hui, saying, “This day, Mr. El-Linci was speaking in opposition to what would have been called the release of political prisoners, and proposed four principles, which are completely contrary to the first of the purposes of this Conference’s declaration, and are respectful of it? I’m sorry.

Hu Xi did not reply to the telegram.

A few days later, Song Qinggi and Cai Yuan Pei sent a telegram to Hu Hui, saying, “The electricity has not been restored.” The release of political prisoners is difficult to change. Members attack the alliance in the press, especially with regard to the regular organization of the organization. I hope to recover. I’m sorry.

Hu Xi has still not responded.

Thus, in the view of the Chinese League for the Defence of National Rights, Hu Ji has completely contradicted the aims of their organization, and it would be counterproductive for him to remain in the Union, and there is no room for manoeuvre in his firm opposition to issuing forged documents and calling for public redress. As a result, the Shanghai Declaration reported on 4 March: “The Interim Central Executive Committee of the China Coalition for the Defence of National Rights met yesterday and decided to expel the members of the Council from their posts. I’m sorry.

At the voting conference on the expulsion of Hu Xi, Roux also voted on his attitude and began his constant criticism of Hu Xi, who wrote in the 10 Articles of the Secrets of the Secrets of the Secrets: “It is important to talk more about the flow, but to add the word “my friend” to it, but to laugh at him. I’m sorry.

In addition to this, he said to his friend, “There is a craving for proof, and there are good words, but nothing can be said about the Western Travel.” I’m sorry.

Immediately thereafter, the battle between Lu Xuan and Hu Xi gradually reached its peak.


In 1933, Hu Ji had not wanted to see the outbreak of the war in China and had proposed a compromise approach to mediation between the representatives of the two countries and the conclusion of a new treaty between China and Japan. As a result, the Declaration-Beiping Newsletter reported Hu Chi ‘ s statement that “there is only one way (Japan) to conquer China, i.e., the cliffs, and to stop the aggression against China and, in turn, the hearts of the Chinese nation”.

As soon as this statement was reported, Zhou Jiu Bai, in the name of Roo Xuan, published an article entitled “The Secret of Selling Souls”, in which he said, “Yes, the ancient Confucianist, who always said, “The King of the Democrats, with his heart and heart.” Dr. Hu Xi is worthy of Japanese imperialism. But from the side of the Chinese people, this is the only secret for selling souls. I’m sorry.

Then, on July 17, 1934, Rohner wrote a grotesque “Account” and said, “Academies are more than a win or a lose. While beyond the gains and losses, the identification of the stakes does not seem to be all. Moo is greater than a conjoined hole, so let us not worship the Confucian, so let us bow down to any new way. The reference to the new dynasty is called “the heart of the Chinese nation in turn”. I’m sorry.

On New Year’s Day 1935, Shanghai’s East Magazine published a poignant article entitled “Discussion of the Dictatorship of the People”, in which it sheds light on the disappointment of the current situation, the political discontent and the dissent of political reform. These critical words and the so-called “life-saving, new life movement” that the National Government is advocating seem to be out of place. At this point, Hu Ji also boarded the upstream ship and slowly headed towards Hong Kong.

On 19 October 1936, Ruther suddenly died of severe illness. This decade-long Horu war came to an end.

Upon the death of Lu, the woman writer Su Shelin wrote a long letter to Cai Yuan Bei and Hu Hui, in which she shouted at him: “When he was alive, he created himself as an idol, and after his death his friends and left-wing people used to make him a man of gold, so that he could not teach the people of the country to live with flowers. Lucretia is a nihilist. His left hand is not a sign of good faith. But the left side flattered him as a “national warrior” and a “revolutionary mentor” who blew his whole life into the air, and read it to be a bad thing. An attempt by the left to create a religion and to embolden the image of Lu Xuan into the minds of young people throughout the country by promoting communism and gestationing the forces of the future. It’s not even enough to qualify as a human being. I’m sorry.

Hu Chi saw Su Shellin’s insults, he tried to justify Lu and wrote in his reply: “I am sympathetic to your outrage, but I thought there was no need to attack him personally.” He is dead, and we can leave all the small sections aside and talk about what his thoughts are, what he has changed, what he believes in, what he denies, what is valuable and what is worthless. Such criticism must have had an effect. In the case of one person, it must always be the same. And love knows its evil, and evil knows its beauty, and all are equal. Lu Xuan has his strength. Like his literary work in his early years, such as his novel history studies, they are excellent jobs. I’m sorry.

When Xu Guangping asked Hu Xi to write to him about the publication of the Routh Episode, Hu was very happy not only to help him with his recommendations, but also to serve as a member of the Routh Memorial Committee and to travel actively and effectively for the publication of the Routh Episode. After the publication of Lu ‘ s Episode, Xu Guangping also wrote to thank Hu Chi for his efforts and praised him for being “functional.”

In 1958, when Hu Xi, who was floating in Taiwan, spoke of Luxuan, he said with affection: “We were at the time when he was a man and a general in the New Youth. We’re not very much creative, but only things Lu Xuan likes to create. He writes a lot of “Sensitizations,” “Mixers,” but most importantly, he writes a lot of short novels. I’m sorry.

Finally, Hu Xi is happy to say, “Ru Xian is a liberal and will never yield to outside power, and Lu Xian is one of us. *System number: YX11MjgD95A

I don’t know.

Keep your eyes on the road.