The ancient temples.

This is a plague temple on the outskirts of Beijing.In front of a headless statue, the broken Great Highness, there were three people sitting together in a fire."We heard the…

Blood plum.

My little girl grabbed my arm and cried and asked me to jump off a cliff with her.Her clothes were messy, her head was blown, her tears were covered in…

Central Bureau of Divorce

One.On the roof, my wife is holding a three-year-old daughter on the edge.She's gonna jump.My father-in-law and mother-in-law called me an animal down there, pulled the neighbors and said I…

Is it really good to be rich?

I took an 18-dollar ice cream and my boyfriend hit me."Lin Xiao, 18 bucks is enough to buy a pack of cigarettes. Why are you so moist? Qin Qin cried…

The season with him.

After I died, I watched my boyfriend and the moon go back together, the baby comes, and beauty.He's been cleaning my grave for three years.No one will ever talk about…